Social Media Policy for Auckland 4wd Club Rev 2.0 – January 2024
This policy outlines guidelines for the responsible use of social media within Auckland 4WD Club to maintain a positive and respectful online community.
2. General Guidelines:
a. Members are encouraged to share content that promotes the spirit of adventure, ingenuity and camaraderie and safe practices within the club.
b. Avoid engaging in any online activities that could harm the club's reputation or compromise the safety of its members.
3. Privacy and Personal Information:
a. Club-Only Platforms:
- Within club-only platforms (e.g. club only Facebook page), respect the confidentiality of discussions and information shared.
Do not disclose personal information about fellow members without their explicit consent.
b. Public Domain:
- When sharing content on public platforms (e.g. public Facebook, you-tube), obtain permission before featuring other club members in photos or videos. Ensure that everyone in the content is comfortable with its publication.
This could be as simple as you asking the group, at the beginning of the day as part of the pre-start safety meeting, if everyone is happy with you making a video and posting it publicly.
For people in a club run who do not wish to be involved in someone's public video, their wishes must be respected.
The Club's Primary aim is to bring people together to have off road adventures, not just to boost a persons online presence.
c. Personally Identifiable Information (PII):
- Regardless of the platform, refrain from publishing PII of fellow members without explicit consent.
This includes, but is not limited to, names, contact details, addresses, and other private information.
d. Content Moderation:
- The club committee reserves the right to moderate and remove, or request removal of, content that violates privacy guidelines or shows illegal or unsafe practices on both club-only platforms and public domains.
By maintaining this distinction, we aim to uphold members' privacy rights while fostering a sense of community within the club's private spaces and projecting a positive image to the public.
4. Content Sharing:
a. Obtain permission before sharing photos or videos featuring other club members. Ensure that everyone in the content is comfortable with its publication.
b. Refrain from posting content that could be considered offensive, discriminatory, harmful to any individual or group, unsafe, or detrimental to the public image of the club.
5. Responsible Communication:
a. Be mindful of your language and tone.
Avoid engaging in online disputes that could escalate and negatively impact the club.
b. Represent our club positively in your online interactions.
Remember that your online presence reflects on the club as a whole.
6. Reporting Concerns:
a. If you come across any content that violates this policy or makes you uncomfortable, report it to the club committee for appropriate action.
7. Acknowledgment:
All members are required to read and acknowledge this social media policy. By continuing their membership, they agree to abide by these basic guidelines.
8. Enforcement:
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the club, depending on the severity of the breach.
By following these guidelines, we aim to maintain a positive online environment that aligns with the values and principles of the club.
Rev 1 - November 2023 - Initial
Rev 2 - January 1 2024 - Added Safety wording and how to ask a group for permission to post video